Friday, June 3, 2011

Random Pics from the trip

A castle we passed on the way to Holyhead, Wales


Boat in Wales

Our last train ride with all of our bags :)

Mini Ice Cream at the grocery store!

Off the coast of South Africa. The water was really calm for a few days and then a major storm hit for the next three. It was a challenge just to get to our table in the dining room.

Cake in the grocery store in Manchester

Train to Copenhagen

Our train on the ferry


Well our last day is here! It’s gone by so fast but at the same time the beginning of the trip feels like years ago. We decided to get up early and have breakfast and walk down to the port to see the Queen Mary 2. It was in port as well as a Princess ship that we couldn’t see the name of. Southampton is a really nice town with beautiful gardens, a really nice main street with shops and cafe’s and a nice harbour. We walked to see the ruins of a church and also stopped to read the bricks on the sidewalk that gave a brief overview of the history of Southampton which was really interesting. The town is not very big so everything is really close and it has a rail line which can take you anywhere you would like to go, London is only an hour by rail. We will definitely come back here next time we come to England even if we just use it as a base to go out to other places. Other than Windsor it is probably our favourite place in England that we visited so far. 

Main street in Southampton

Church that was destroyed during WWII

These plaques were placed all over the main street sidewalk

Oh look it's Kate's dress!

Old building that was destroyed during WWII

Salisbury, Stonehenge & Tooting

The first day that we were in Southampton we decided to go to Salisbury and Stonehenge which is only a half an hour train ride. We walked around Salisbury and went to see the Cathedral and then decided to do a Stonehenge tour. The tour was on a double decker bus and pointed out interesting sights along the way. We went through a lot of small villages and saw a lot of the countryside on our drive there and back. It’s always a bit surreal seeing things like Stonehenge up close after studying them in books so much. The first time I had ever seen a picture of Stonehenge was one of my Grandparents when they visited the site when they were in England. Ever since seeing the picture I always wanted to visit it and it was definitely worth it and also nice knowing that they had been there too. We stayed there for about an hour before catching the bus back to Salisbury and then the train back to Southampton.

The second day in Southampton we decided to go to a suburb of London called Tooting where my Great-Grandparents(on Grandpa Hatch's side) lived and got married. It was really neat seeing where they lived even though it would have changed so much since then. We spent about 3 hours in Tooting walking around and then decided to catch our train back to Southampton. Next time we are in this area I would like to try to go into the church and see if I can find some records on Grandpa’s parents..or maybe just try to find them on a summer project Grandpa?

Salisbury Cathedral

Old Square in Salisbury


Avon River, Salisbury

Old Church on the way to Salisbury

Avon River on the way to Salisbury

The roof is made of cow manure which is suppose to be very good at insulating.


Burial Mounds

The Original Mill in Salisbury

My Great-Grandfather's house-#141 Sellincourt Rd (the black door)

Sellincourt Rd

Moffat Rd.

8 Moffat Rd-where my Great-Grandmother lived

Micham St., Tooting

Cemetery of St. Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Church where my Great-Grandparents were married