Friday, June 3, 2011

Paris, France

After a full day on the train from 6:30am to 10pm we ended up in Paris. We were both exhausted from the day of travel that we didn’t end up getting out until about noon the next day. We were staying in the Marais district which is nice and close to the main street that goes to the Louvre. Since we had been to Paris before and were lucky enough to get there on the first Sunday of the month when all attractions and museums were free we decided this time we would just walk around. We went down the main street to the Louvre and then into a big park so we could get a good pic of the Eiffel Tower to show Ethan. If possible the city seemed busier than it had been previously and although we had seen a lot of dogs before this time it seemed to be multiplied by 10.  After 2 days of pain au chocolats, macaroons and pistachio pastries it was time to go to Wales for our trip to Ireland. 

How much is that doggy in the window?

On the left a Lavender flavoured macaroon on the right pistachio chocolate chip pastry...YUM!

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