Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Copenhagen, Denmark

We got into Copenhagen around 8pm on the 12th of May and decided to stay in after a few long days of traveling. We got up the next morning and walked around the area surrounding the hotel passing Tivoli Gardens. We decided to get on the cruise around 1 pm so we got a taxi and headed to the port. Pulling up to the ship was a bit weird because we were so use to the Pacific Princess. The Pacific had 11 decks and this ship has 19 decks and we’ve already got lost trying to find a few things. The one thing that we really noticed is that none of the other passengers seem to talk to each other and also the crew on the ship don’t make much conversation with you. We got really used to knowing all the passengers on the ship and stopping to talk in the hallway. We also got use to the crew knowing us and getting to know them. We often would see crew out in cities when we were in port and would stop and talk to them. We even made a few friends with crew on the Pacific that we hope that we will stay in touch with. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will get use to the big ship cruising but right now I think both of us our missing the small ship and how much more intimate it was. We would definitely sail on a small ship again and hopefully we will run in to some of the crew and passengers we met. Because more than 300 of the 600 passengers on the world cruise come back each year if we ever did another segment we are very likely to run into them again.

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