Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Windsor & London, England

On the morning of May 9th we took a train to Windsor which is just outside of London. The views from the train coming into Windsor are amazing you can see a lot of the town including the castle. We booked a B & B which was right in the city center and within walking distance to everything. We went to see the castle and walked the cobblestone streets surrounding it. The next morning we went into London. We had been there before on our last trip but only for a few hours and it was a night so we didn’t get to see much. This time we got on a bus tour which was a great way to see the sights although it takes forever to get around because of the traffic. We got off and saw the Parliament and Big Ben and went inside Westminister Abbey. We walked from there to the Royal mews where we saw the horses used in the procession for the Queen as well as the glass coaches and state cars. We walked from there to Buckingham Palace and through St. James Park which is a really nice ornamental garden. After we walked back across the London Bridge to Waterloo station to catch the train back to Windsor. We had the best fish and chips we’ve ever had that night in Windsor and we were both really happy that we had decided to go there. The next morning we got up and got on a train to Dover and crossed on the ferry back to Calais. Our plan was to go to Paris and take an overnight train to Hamburg so then we could just catch the train from there to Copenhagen. When we got to the port in Dover we were told that the ferry was having electrical problems so the next ferry would be 2 hours later. Because of this we missed our train to Paris and weren’t able to get on the overnight train to Hamburg. We ended up decided to go to Brussels and stay there and go to Hamburg the next morning. We didn’t have a hotel in Brussels so we walked out of the train station and along the street to see what we could find. The only one we found that wasn’t really expensive looked really sketchy but we decided to take a chance. Once we got to our room we were pleasantly surprised. Our room had been recently renovated and was very modern with everything from IKEA. We stayed the night and left at 6am the next morning for Hamburg where our train was delayed so we ended up missing our connection to Copenhagen and having to wait for a few hours for the next one. About 2 hours into the train ride to Copenhagen the train started to slow down. No one was really paying attention but then all of a sudden it was dark and the train turned off. The conductor got on the train and told everyone to get off and go upstairs. Everyone kind of looked at each other...upstairs? Turns out we got onto a ferry. 

St. Paul's Cathedral

Tower of London

Westminister Abbey

The Royal Mews

The Glass Coach

The Queen was in residence

St. James Palace garden

The stand on either side were for the royal wedding


Windsor Castle

Outdoor Shopping Area, Windsor

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